Our short film competition invites the future BAFTA winners, our region’s young filmmakers, from Portsmouth, Winchester and Solent Universities to take part to win the coveted Making Waves Short Film Competition award – the fish tale.

The Making Waves Short Film Award trophies – “fish tale”
Film are shortlisted by a panel of judges and the best six are screened on the big screen at No.6 Cinema. There is a judge’s award for the best film plus the audience will get to vote for their own favourite film.
Films for the 2024 Making Waves Short Film Competition are currently being submitted. The Awards screening will take place on Thursday 21 March 2024.
Tickets for awards are free and open to the public.
Tickets will go live soon.
After the short film competition screening and prize giving you are welcome to stay on for our creative industries networking Take Over Party and the feature screening of Fashion Reimagined (A valid cinema ticket IS required – check the No.6 Cinema programme for details).
Times and dates: Thursday 21st March 4-6 pm
Location: No.6 Cinema, Historic Dockyard, Portsmouth
Awards & Prizes: Best Film, Audience Award
2023 Short List
Portsmouth University Films

Set during the war, two teens go out for a walk with their sister, all is well until she goes missing.
During the war, two teens Edward and Carol go for a walk with their sister Mary, they look for her in an old windmill, but still nothing, things start to get concerning when bombs start to drop nearby, Mary found and all is well.
Directed by: Viktoria Zhelyazkova
(duration 7’)

Hannah, a young girl who died years ago still haunts her poor mother, she just wants to play.
A young, spirited girl, Hannah, haunts her mother years after her untimely death. She wants to play, but her mother can’t handle it anymore. After years of coming back, and clinging on, she is sent away to play once again, where her mother leaves her to rest in the house.
Directed by: Rebecca Kirkham
(duration 5’49”)
Solent University
The Callback

Eva Adams, a young aspiring actress, who is tired of her cafe job, auditions for a film, but things turn for the worst when her future co-star gets a bit too into his role.
After a tough day at work in the cafe, Eva Adams comes to an important audition, with her potential future co-star James. James takes advantage of his higher status and sexually assaults Ava, leaving her uncomfortable accepting her dream job.
Directed by: Zsófia Bujáki, with Peter Andras, Yuka Nakazawa, Elias Highsmith, Kitty Pilcher, Bonnie Green
(duration 15’34”)
The Julie Tapes

A young girl, Julie, is killed, and when her mother is interviewed, she discovers disturbing details she wishes she could have known sooner.
Young girl Julie’s mum is being interviewed about her death, she wants to spread the word about poor Julie’s fate, but during the interview, we discover the jarring truth, her interviewer is the killer after all.
Directed by: Jack O’Donnell, with Franciso Barros, Solomon Burnard, Senal Ranatunga, Joey Green, Tomas Kurka, Tom Gardiner
(duration 11’43”)
University of Winchester
Project 2

A passionate film student makes a film about his journey through filmmaking.
Jack Robinson talks about his passion for film, where it stemmed from, and how he got there. We hear about his insecurities as a filmmaker, and how he ended up in film. This film is sewn together artistically and grabs your attention, with aesthetic shots and raw truth.
Directed by: Jack Robinson
(duration 5’25”)
Where did we park?

A short comedy wherein two boys are lost in the woods, trying to find their car.
Two boys lost in the woods climb up hills and trudge through dirt, trying to look for their car. The complaining is constant, and trees and bushes are never-ending.
Directed by: Benjamin Phillips, Ben Dunks and Oliver Trowern
(duration 4’24”)